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hi there, brave human!

My name is Elena Mladen

I am a curious and passionate certified wellbeing and organizational coach. I guide intuitive humans who feel unbalanced, misaligned, or simply ... lost, and I support them in their journey of (re-) discovering confidence, purpose, and joy.

Why partner with me?

I am dedicated and passionate about supporting people in "connecting the dots" and I have a natural calling to help them... bloom :​)


My SUPERPOWER is to find and unlock the extraordinary in the ordinary and foster self-confidence. With this, you learn how to give yourself consent to live the life you CHOOSE and WANT.


One of my clients once shared this beautiful and insightful analogy about how they experienced partnering with me: "It is like at the beginning of our session I am in a dark room and I am not able to see the things I am surrounded with. Then you come into the picture, find the light switch, and boom! I SEE everything".


Common client goals I specialize in:

  • taming (social) anxiety and the imposter syndrome

  • preventing burnout and managing stressful times

  • avoiding relapse of burnout and mental illness

  • finding sustainable sources for self-confidence and self-worth

  • defining an achievable work-life balance

  • identifying where/how you can meaningfully connect and belong in a foreign, more individualistic society

  • navigating identity crises - who you want to be (career, roles in your life, values, mission, etc.)

rediscover a sense of direction

​In the whirlwind of professional and personal challenges, finding your footing can feel like navigating through a storm.


It is a common misconception that inner balance is the destination, a tangible milestone in your process, an end state. It is like constantly saying "I will be happy when...". How about finding your attunement without having everything figured out?


Picture life as an endless sea, filled with unpredictable waves and occasional calm. A more accurate way to define balance is to look at it as the art of sailing your unique vessel through life's ever-changing waters - the skill of adjusting your sails to every gust, finding stability in chaos.


True, you cannot control the waters. However, you have the wisdom to discern when to harness the winds of opportunity and when to stay afloat.


I undoubtedly trust you are already a skilled sailor. :-)

I am excited to show you what you are capable of, to create meaning in your story, and to re-configure your GPS towards destinations that are on your Authentic Self's bucket list.

my badges


COR.E Dynamics Wellbeing specialist

May 2023


Certified Professional


October 2022


ELI-MP (™)


August 2022

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦


March 2022

Image by Dustin Belt

Mental health ambassador

March 2022



February 2022

NLP Digital Badge.jpeg


March 2021

Image by Phil Hearing

Personal growth counselor through art

September 2020

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